In order for you to become a member of TORKS you must FIRST join the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA).
The AMA is a national modeling organization providing each member with $2,500,000 worth of liability insurance. With new radio equipment accidents are rare but they do happen. The City of Oklahoma City requires coverage.
Join the AMA online or call them at 1-800-I-FLY-AMA (1-800-435-9262). The membership will be $70.00 a year for an adult membership($60 if 65+) and $15 if you are 19 or younger.
Once you have your AMA membership number …
A: Contact us on Facebook. Click general chat and send a message or make a post.
B: Come by the field and tell a member there you want to join. They will point you to a club officer who can get you signed up right then.
C: Fill out the Torks Membership Application works-membership-application. Write your check to the TORKS for the appropriate amount. Prepare a self-addressed stamped envelope, one that is addressed to yourself. Mail this to:
5830 NW Expressway
Suite 239
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
The Treasurer will send a current TORKS Membership card and a new gate lock code back to you in your SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED Envelope.
TORKS membership will provide you with the Gate and Locker codes.
Membership Payment online via palpal link